My Liift4 Journey Begins
I can't even tell you how excited I am to start this program!! This will be my first REAL workout since my Diastasis Recti Surgery nearly 3 months ago...I am cleared to do all things fitness except abs. My Dr. says I haven't worked my abs since Skylar, so that's 4 years counting my pregnancy!!! So one crunch will feel like a lot. Take it slow on the ab work and build up slowly. I can handle that as long as I can do cardio and weights!!!!
So here is my Day One Journey I'm sharing with you!! Taking my before photos and humbling myself to start from the bottom up to re-gain my strength, endurance and just my happy self - the one I am when I workout!
So what is Liift4? Its a strength training & hiit training workout program. You train 4 days a week with YES 3 rest days AND 1 cheat day!!!! Yessss!!! Meal Plan included, along my private accountability and support group. Want to join me this fall?
Click on the image below to learn more
My Day One Before Photos (this is straight up accountability to myself)