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I earned $5000 this week from Beachbody?!!….but that’s NOT the Best Part!!

OK Yes I almost fell over when I seen my paycheck this week, over $5000 for 1 week in Beachbody….but more importantly, I need you to know that is NOT the best part!!! You know me…did you forget that I’m the Everyday Girl who grew up in a small town, had a single mom, believes in “Happily Ever After” & Fairytales, teaches Fitness Classes (BTW Instructors TEACH bcz they LOVE it, not because they are getting paid) met my husband on the school bus and was on UNEMPLOYMENT in Jan 2010!!! I’m as down to earth as they get!! I’m overly Optimistic and “Live in a Bubble” of Positive People…I don’t watch the news much, I steer away from drama or anything/anyone negative and Simply Love to Help People!!! I share this with you because I KNOW that people REALLY DON’T KNOW what I “do”….or how I’ve MADE this happen…

I lost my job of 13 years in Nov 2009 and went on Unemployment, which was Heart Wrenching Disappointing for a work-aholic like myself!! I earned more in January of 2012 from my Beachbody Coaching Business than we earned in 6 months in my final year working downtown Chicago!!! I’ve LOST 17lbs and YES feel Amazing!!! But wait….HOW is this all possible?? I want you to know WHO I WAS before I started – in fact the picture on the left is from 2006 and yes I’m blonde!!! You may see me now and think that this was EASY or that I’m “Special” but I’m NOT!!!! In 2006 I didn’t have an email account, I didn’t own a computer, I didn’t know what social media was, I was over bloated/over weight, I would NEVER EVER speak in public and although I was Happily Married….I wasn’t FULL-FILLED INSIDE!!!!!! I created the life I have right now….I want people to know that!! I LEARNED EVERYTHING I had to – to be Successful and turn our life around!! We were SWALLOWED in CREDIT CARD DEBT…so people can say “Money isn’t Important” but its also the #1 REASON FOR DIVORCE!! It’s not about finances—-Its about FREEDOM!!!!! Freedom to Live a Life we could only DREAM OF – on OUR own TERMS, our own TIME…..

and the BEST PART IS…..I’ve built this Business helping others including some of my BEST FRIENDS Change their Lives!!! So the $$$$ REALLY REPRESENTS – Weight Loss, More Energy, Getting out of Debt, Retiring at 34 years of age, Moms staying home w/ their family, More Time and FREEDOM to do WHAT YOU WANT!! YOU Get to Decide…You are in Control!!! Or at least you can be….with eveyone losing their jobs right and left, the economy in the place that it is, people losing their homes, the over growing OBESITY EPIDEMIC, people TIRED of being sick and TIRED….I say, you don’t have to!!!!! I said, ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!! When I was a little girl….I honestly thought some MAGIC business/job/opportunity was going to just come to me so I would know what to do w/ my life….because I’ve always wanted to do something GREAT….but guess what, I learned that it doesn’t come to you….YOU have to FIND IT!!! Then you have to go after it like you have ONE LIFE TO LIVE!!! Don’t look at today….FOCUS on tomorrow, a year from now, 2 years from now….thats what I did!

My HEART is FULL because of all the lives I’m touching inside and out!! I’m running a business that I started making $50/week here and there….Now a Huge Organization that is going to Blow My Mind in the next 2 years….but I’m LEADING with my HEART!! Its a RELATIONSHIP Business – if you INVEST in your people & team, truly LISTEN and help them make their DREAMS COME TRUE…you will be continuely Blessed!!!!

Don’t wait another day, if you want more then I can help you Achieve It!!! You CAN BE in Control of your Life – but you have to TAKE IT BABY!!!!! MESSAGE ME on how I can help you!!

I can’t believe this was 2 years ago –

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