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Struggle to Success ~ Starting my Business

Your Life Becomes what you Think About Most of the Time ~ The Secret

f you have followed my story, you may know me as a Fitness Instructor, a Turbo Kick Presenter, a Motivator, a Wife…and I am…I am all those things but what I didn’t even know about myself until most recently is that I have become a Life Changer!!3 years ago I wouldn’t have ever thought that my life would take the turn that it did…but it has…and a lot of it is due to having my MIND in the right place!! I did receive an Amazing Opportunity that could change my life, but if my MIND wasn’t in the right place to RECEIVE & ACCEPT IT I’m not sure the end result would still be the same. I have read “The Secret” along with many other Personal Development books designed to help me become the BEST PERSON that I can be. I recently read a quote by Jim Rohn “Work harder on yourself than you do on your Job…Work your Job and Earn a Living, Work on Yourself and Earn a Fortune!! —- The Secret ~ Your Life becomes what you Think about Most of the Time… What are you thinking about most of the time? Who are you spending most of your time with? Because the Top 5 People you spend the MOST TIME with is the end result of who you become….wow!!!I invite you read and watch my story…after Struggle comes Opportunity…the question is are you READY to Embrace It? It might be your one chance to Change Your Life…I have done “it” and the only way I can possibly say Thank You is to LEAD OTHERS on the same path…I want to help as many people as I can to do the same – find Happiness, Success, Passion & Financial Hope…your Someday just might be Today…its 100% up to you!!

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